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The 'Fiumara d'Arte' and its itinery are enriched with new piece.
With the promise of protecting beauty, giving new life to initiatives related to art, to the environment and to healthy education for the future generations, a memorandum of understendings has been initialled with the Nebrodi's Park.
After fourty years from its foundation, the largest open-air contemporary art park in Europe and the largest nature reserve of Sicily, are enriched by an added value that lays the foundations for a common growth.
The Nebrodi's Park will be proud of having an artistic heritage recognized all over the world and the Fiumara d'Arte will have instead, an important istitutional support for the spread of the artistic message to the future generations.
The document, signed this morning by the President of the Park Domenico Barbuzza and by the creator of the Fiumara d'Arte Antonio Presti, aspires to a closer collaboration between two bodies, aim at the creation of new artistic, cultural and naturalistic initiatives and to the enhancement of the existing heritage in what is the largest nature park in Sicily.
In addition, to the recognised biodiversity aspects, the Nebrodi's Park may think of a future that looks to a unique rarity in Europe: that of a protected park which also has an artistic heritage of inestimable value for the promotion of the area itself. The Nebrodi's Park and the Fiumara d'Arte are already working for the identifications of new routes that can put together the love for nature and for the artistic beauty. All to offer the territory new possibilities of touristic development and together continue that path of education to beauty and therefore of respect for the territory which are at the basis of the message launched by the patron Antonio Presti.
The message is the one of a union between public and private that looks to the future. It is essential that an impartial institution such as the Park may embrace the mission of the Fiumara d'Arte and be promoter of new interventions from the international eco.
"All projects are made for the protection, for the spread and for the respect of the immense patrimony offered by the Nebrodi's Park- says the President Domenico Barbuzza – which are very welcomed and supported by us. The future of the Park is based on initiatives that embrace the entrepreneurship, the touristic development, the respect for the environment and for the activities made to safeguard the cultural heritage of this geografical area. We are pleased to start a growth path like this one, which uses the language of art to talk about topics important for us".
The memorandum of understanding signed with the Park, is important for the Fiumara in a double way, it is not only linked with the activities that are going to be developed in the following months, but also with what concerns the future of the entire artistic project.
"The union with the Nebrodi's Park – Antonio Presti explains – marks a new direction for the Fiumara. The Park is an institution that, just like the Fiumara, sets before itself ideas and projects that are not only related to a single municipality or area of interest, but which entirely embrace an initiative that, even if it is enclosed in an area, it concerns the future of the whole Sicily.
After fourty – years of hard work and struggles, here comes a recognition for all the activities carried out in these years. A gesture that can also be translated into tangible operations such as the promotion of our land in the name of nature and beauty. The Nebrodi's Park might become so the most interesting natural and contemporary art park in Europe.
Will be bodies, like the Park and the realities, that will aproach it and the Fiumara to be able to continue with the path of beauty, to give back to the new generations the love for their land and to provide tools for protection and educatition aimed at a free thought and at a sustainable development of the nebroidea's area and not only of it. We are going to embrace everyone who will want to be part of this thought, sure that the Park is going to be an excellent guarantor for the resolution of all the activities that we are going to do".
In this context , the Park and the Fiumara are already working on a new path that should arise from here until next Summer, with the suggestive name of 'Invisible Valley', a path along the valley of the Mistretta's waterfalls that puts together art, nature and the chance to enjoy a not well-known area of the Nebrodi.
"A strong focus – ends Presti – for the community of Mistretta, aims at donating, also with the great work 'Golden Boat Room' by Hidetoshi Nagasawa, a vision of the future thus helping to reach another international destination".
The Fiumara d'Arte is the largest contemporary art open- air museum in Europe. Launched the 10 October 1986, covers a surface area of two-hundred thousand cubic metres in the Halaesa valley (mounts Nebrodi) in Sicily. The artist and patron Antonio Presti, directed and produced, on State land and at his own expence, the creation of a number of colossal sculptures signed by artists present in all the great collections of the world.
Inspired by newspaper chronicles and magazines, that in the 80s reserved space at the arrival in Italy of the Land Art, a trend established, almost twenty-years earlier, in the United States as part of the big season of the American minimalism, Presti begins his artistic adeventure: a provocative tribute whose challenge was the utopy of wanting to overturn the usual aproach tho develpoment, not the money nor the economy as a growth engine, but ethics, art, the beauty sharing, for an aesthetic that can not be represented, but is shown as a civil value. The annual evaluation of visitors exceeds the 20.000 presences.